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Friday, July 1, 2011

Weaved Wastebasket

This is first time I ever try to weave and I tell you it was error and trial.  It was very hard for the paper strips to lay straight when I started to weave. I have so many magazines I like to refer to them from time to time.  I had them in them in holders that I made myself from cereal boxes that I did last spring.  Believe it or not, that wastebasket only took less 2 magazine (less than that).  What I did was, take every page of the magazine....then fold in 1/2" creases all the length of the page till I had one complete strip.  I make sure all the pages were colorful as I went through the magazine.  As I approach the end of the page, I folded in the raw edge in....and hide it underneath the already folded end.  This project took about 3-4 days to complete, of course with the needy breaks.  I didn't have a wastebasket in one of my rooms and now, I have a very colorful one.

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