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Saturday, July 16, 2011

My Spice Rack

I needed a spice rack desperately with the spices I have, the top of my stove didn't have a square inch left. I thought with all my cardboard I keep and the corrugated cardboard is very sturdy for alot of crafts. Whenever I get small appliances I fold the boxes and store them.

This was a 8 plus hour project with all measuring, cutting, painting.....well you can imagine. The cardboard strips were all different sizes. My kitchen is red and black so I sponge painted red in some places and painted plain red on the front strips. Believe it or not, I still have more spices in my cupboard but for now I will enjoy my spice rack and whenever I cook, all I have to do is pick up my spice rack and put it on my counter and use my spices.

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