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Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Too hot to craft.....

I am sitting here in the air conditioning, all I did was to work-out this morning.  That's one thing I dont want to stop the routine.  The windows in the exercise room face the pool and no doubt there was only 2 or 3 people at the pool.  I am glad the exercise room is very comfortable.  From there I go right home...it's a very short walk, I would say 4 buildings  from my apartment which is great. 

I called my mom who lives in Florida and had a nice chat with her.  My other sister lives there also about 5 miles from my mom.   I try to talk with my mom to see how she's doing and how the weather's doing which....she reported that their weather it's not as bad as in the midwest.  She lives right on the bay and she gets the breeze from the water which is nice.  I havn't been there since last year and my family are scattered about....I have a sister and brother in chgo, and a sister in calif.   I just visited my sister in chgo because my sister from california flew in and we had a nice visit.  I took a train which is nice.  It takes about 3 hours by train for me but I take my reading material and the trip really goes fast.

I am kinda lost as far as crafts this summer....I have brain fog lately and I haven't done any crafts since Easter.  I love crafts and thoroughly enjoy recycling materials that I can do things from them but the ideas are not coming forth.  Maybe in a month I will get the momentum.  I am trying to think what I did last year and what crafts I did during the summer.  All I know is I did alot of fall crafts last year because I just love autumn and the air is so fresh and crisp.   I can open my windows and get fresh air finally. I think everyone will so glad when this summer will come to a end with this unusual heat in many areas in this country.

Well....that's it for now, I would like to post beautiful nature pictures that I have collected which is another thing I love to do.....whatever I see art especially nature its  just captivates me.


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